Water use in the municipality of Mula (Region of Murcia)


  • José Antonio López Fernández
Keywords: Achievement, land and springs, water, Mula, Region of Murcia


The town of Mula, within the region of Murcia, SE of the Iberian Peninsula, collected in its territory a rich cultural heritage associated with water use. The aim of this study was the quantification and analysis of natural or anthropogenic elements that are part of the heritage of this territory hydraulic. The existence of water points has conditioned the development of society and country planning in terms of human settlements, agricultural land use, roads, etc.


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How to Cite
López Fernández, J. A. (2013). Water use in the municipality of Mula (Region of Murcia). Geography Papers, (57-58), 145–160. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/geografia/article/view/191301