Public use and perceptual capacity in protected areas


  • Felipe Leco Berrocal
Keywords: carrying capacity, overcrowding, public use, protected natural area


This paper presents some of the results of research conducted in the project «Public use areas in the Biosphere Reserve Monfragüe. Accessibility and carrying capacity «(National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation 2004-2007. MAM/321/207 Order. Expte. 024/SGTB/2007/4.1). Overall, we present a study of the major areas of public use from the perspective of the carrying capacity, as these areas generally polarize user flows, investment and are the main axis on which rests the influx of users to the Park, so it is necessary to evaluate not only the capacity but also the intensity of their use.


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How to Cite
Leco Berrocal, F. (2013). Public use and perceptual capacity in protected areas. Geography Papers, (57-58), 127–144. Retrieved from