Aid to farming in the rural development program in the region of Murcia: distribution and economic impact


  • María del Mar Riquelme Navarro
  • María Luz Tudela Serrano
Keywords: ecological agriculture, rural development


The Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 for the Region of Murcia includes aid to the agricultural environment for continuous integration of agriculture in the sustainability of natural ecosystems and are aimed at farmers with the environmental commitments of the common agricultural policy, to reduce the adverse environmental consequences of agriculture. Subsidies for organic farming have exceeded expectations and have contributed to the promotion of sustainable development in rural areas. This commitment to our farmers in education and awareness must extend to all citizens, so they know the efforts of the agricultural sector and rural areas with the preservation of the environment and landscape.


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How to Cite
Riquelme Navarro, M. del M., & Tudela Serrano, M. L. (2012). Aid to farming in the rural development program in the region of Murcia: distribution and economic impact. Geography Papers, (55-56), 153–165. Retrieved from