The karstic forms and slope formations in the Moroccan Rif and Pre-Rif


  • Abdelghani Gartet
  • Mohamed El Fengour
  • Jaouad Gartet
Keywords: karst, landforms, sofs, geomorphology, slopes, dynamic, grounds movements, Rif, Pre-Rif, Morocco


The article approaches the study of the karstic forms and slope formations in the median zone of the middle Ouerrha and high Lebene Sofs, located in the central Moroccan Rif and Prerif. The study of the lithological characteristics of the carbonated rocks and the consequent geomorphological evolution makes it possible to explain the genesis of the minor and the major ones, of the Sof’s Karst. The evolution results from the morphogenetic processes acting during the Quaternary and the current processes.


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How to Cite
Gartet, A., El Fengour, M., & Gartet, J. (2011). The karstic forms and slope formations in the Moroccan Rif and Pre-Rif. Geography Papers, (53-54), 137–153. Retrieved from