Rainfall-runoff models, hidraulic methods and S.I.G. for estimating flood areas discharges in the south of Murcia


  • Rafael García Lorenzo
  • Carmelo Conesa García
Keywords: rainfall-surface runoff models, hydraulic modelling, GIS, flood discharges, flood areas, south of Murcia


This paper is focused on the use of rainfall records, hydrologic and hydraulic modelling, and GIS techniques for estimating flood discharges in ephemeral channels (ramblas) and flood areas in the south of Murcia. Rainfall-surface runoff models (SCS Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph, Témez gamma HU and the Modified Rational method) and methods of hydraulic geometry have been integrated in a GIS (Geographic Information System) to obtain spatially distributed data in potential flood areas. The software HEC-HMS 3.0.0 and the extension HEC-GeoHMS 1.1 of ArcView 3.x have been used to ana- lyse the rainfall–runoff conversion relationship for different design storm return periods. hydrologic modelling carries out using ArcGIS 9.x y GRASS (v.5.4), whereas the hydraulic approach has needed hEC-RAS y hEC-GeoRAS.


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How to Cite
García Lorenzo, R., & Conesa García, C. (2011). Rainfall-runoff models, hidraulic methods and S.I.G. for estimating flood areas discharges in the south of Murcia. Geography Papers, (53-54), 107–123. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/geografia/article/view/143471