Irrigation land expansion in Orihuela municipality and the impact in its territory (1910-2010)


  • Gregorio Canales Martínez
  • Alejandro López Pomares
Keywords: traditional irrigation, new irrigated lands, Tajo-Segura transfer system, water raising, tourism, districts independence


Orihuela municipality (South-east of Spain), that represents at least half of the Bajo Segura region total surface, has experienced a spectacular transformation in its own territory during analyzed period, the century from 1910 to 2010. In this time interval a considerable increase of irrigation expanse, since the firsts water raises from the river carried out in 1918, to the Tajo-Segura transfer system execution, with the consequent of unirrigated land reduction. In a parallel way, a peak of building sector has happened, in view of the inrush of tourism that increases its presence from the original occupation on the coastline to its spread in residential areas in interior lands where new irrigated lands were located. This construction pressure has originated a speculative process of change in land uses, with the consequent decline of agrarian sector importance.Key words: non- agricultural employment, agricultural activity.


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How to Cite
Canales Martínez, G., & López Pomares, A. (2011). Irrigation land expansion in Orihuela municipality and the impact in its territory (1910-2010). Geography Papers, (53-54), 49–63. Retrieved from