Territorial cooperation and articulation of the Mediterranean Arch


  • Antonio Durà Guimera
  • Xavier Oliveras González
Keywords: Mediterranean Arch, territorial dysfunction, territorial cooperation


The paper draws on an article by Francisco Calvo García-Tornel for the journal Méditerranée dossier on «L’arc méditerranéen en questions» (1994). Professor Calvo put the emphasis on Mediterranean Arch territorial inequalities and disengagement and advocated for its territorial cohesion from transport infrastructures. Today the debate on these topics remains, also including a wide range of issues (economy, innovation, land management, environment, health, education, energy, etc.). They present an improvement due to the implement of territorial cooperation policies by the Mediterranean Arch territorial actors. In this regard there are several general initiatives, such as Mediterranean-Pyrenees Euroregion, Mediterranean-Alps Euroregion or Latin Arch, and sectoral initiatives (for example Intermed, Eurosud Transport, Ferrmed or CITRAME, in the case of transport infrastructures).


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How to Cite
Durà Guimera, A., & Oliveras González, X. (2010). Territorial cooperation and articulation of the Mediterranean Arch. Geography Papers, (51-52), 94–104. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/geografia/article/view/114431