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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Authors are encouraged to make sure that their manuscripts meet the journal publication criteria. Should the authors fail to comply with these requirements, the manuscript will be immediately returned.

    Authors must follow the author guidelines of the journal. If these guidelines are not followed, the manuscript will be rejected without further evaluation.

Author Guidelines

1. Geography Papers publishes original research papers, news, commentaries  and review articles in any of the areas of geography and related sciences previously outlined.

2. Manuscripts must be original and never published before anywhere else. The work sent to Geography Papers for possible publication should not be sent simultaneously to other journals for publication or have been previously published. To verify the above, the magazine uses TURNITIN software. This type of program is an internet plagiarism prevention service created by iParadigms, LLC.

If they contain funded-research, the funding organization and project details will be footnoted.

3. Authors are responsible for the opinions and contents in their publications.

4. Manuscripts will be submitted via the Open Journal System. Authors must therefore register as such, log in and finally submit their manuscripts for the evaluation process to start. Registration as Reviewer and/or reader is also possible. All communications with authors will be preferably carried out through our Open Journal System.

5. Manuscripts may be written in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese or Italian. In the case of the last four languages, an extended abstract in Spanish will be submitted. Originals must be submitted in either .doc or .docx formats. Pdf files are not accepted.


1. On the first page of the manuscripts authors will list the full title, full name of the authors, affiliation and workplace, an abstract in Spanish of 200 words and 5 keywords separated by a semicolon. A translation into English, preferably, or into any of the four languages accepted by the journal of the title, abstract and keywords separated by a semicolon. Titles will precede abstracts.

2. Address and e-mails of the authors will be footnoted.

3. General format:

Manuscripts should normally be 1.5-spaced, use Times New Roman 12 point font and 2.5 cm. margins (top and bottom), 3 cm. margins (left and right) and identation 1 cm .

4. All articles must follow the structure by sections IMRyD (Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion). A section of conclusions may be included in the previous structure. Shipments that do not comply with this rule will be rejected directly by the editor without being sent for review.

5. Text format:

Manuscript target length is 20 pages (including references and annexes, if any) and no less than 12 (excluding references and annexes, if any). Double spacing will only be used before and after each section. Headings will be similarly spaced for emphasis. Section headings and subheadings will be capitalised. Headings will be in bold and will be ordered using consecutive Arabic numerals. Acronyms will be written without punctuation. When authors need to highlight a word or a set of words, italics or inverted commas will be used. No bold typing or underlining will be used.

6. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and will be numbered in the text of the manuscript (if necessary the  corresponding number will appear before any other typography).

7. References given in the main body of the text will provide authors’ surnames in block capitals and year of publication (GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ, 2000). If the reference is authored by more than one researcher, the first author’s surname will be followed by et al. and year of publication (GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ et al., 2000).  Multiple works by the same author published the same year will be followed by letters (2000a, 2000b). This applies to the Reference list section as well.

8. A Reference List will be provided at the end of the paper. It will be numbered as one of the sections therein and will provide an alphabetically ordered list of the references included in the text of the manuscript following these guidelines:   

Journal articles

TILMAN, D. y CLARK, M. (2014). Nature. “Global diets link environmental sustainability and human health”, vol. 515, nº 7528, p. 518-522.


AYALA-CARCEDO, F.J. y OLCINA, J. (2002): Riesgos Naturales. Ariel, col. Ciencia, Barcelona, 1.304 pp.

Book chapters:

CONESA GARCÍA, C. y ALONSO SARRIÁ, F. (2006): El Medio Físico de la Región de Murcia. “El Clima de la Región de Murcia”. En Conesa García, C. (Ed.). Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Murcia. Murcia, pp. 95-127.

Web sites:

Full URL and consultation date in square brackets, for example:

- INE. www.ine.es [Accessed: 19 February 2015]

9. Tables and figures will be numbered using consecutive Arabic numerals. Titles and captions should be concise. They must be included in the manuscript and cited in the text. They must be preceded by the following text: Figure / Table number x, y, and on the next line the title, both justified. If necessary, the source of the Figure will be cited. Figures will be JPG files with a minimum resolution of 300 ppp. Should the figures not meet this requirement, the journal will reserve its right not to accept these figures.

10. Template (.docx) that conforms to the required format for articles: 


News and commentaries

1. On the first page of the news and/or commentaries, authors will list the full title in bold capitals followed by the full name of the authors, affiliation and workplace.

2. Address and e-mails of the authors will be footnoted.

3. General format:

Manuscripts should normally be 1.5-spaced, use Times New Roman 12 point font and 2.5 cm. margins (top and bottom) and 3 cm. margins (left and right) .

4. Text format:

Manuscript target length is 3 pages. Double spacing will only be used before and after each section. Section headings and subheadings will be capitalised. Headings will be in bold and will be ordered using consecutive Arabic numerals. Acronyms will be written without punctuation. When authors need to highlight a word or a set of words, italics or inverted commas will be used. No bold typing or underlining will be used.

5.Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and will be numbered in the text of the manuscript (if necessary the  corresponding number will appear before any other typography).

6. References given in the main body of the text will provide authors’ surnames in block capitals and year of publication (GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ, 2000). If the reference is authored by more than one researcher, the first author’s surname will be followed by et al. and year of publication (GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ et al., 2000).  Multiple works by the same author published the same year will be followed by letters (2000a, 2000b). This applies to the Reference list section as well.


1. On the first page of the review authors will include the full reference (see Papers above) followed by the corresponding review text. 

2. General format:

Manuscripts should normally be 1.5-spaced, use Times New Roman 12 point font, double-column and 2.5 cm. margins (top and bottom) and 3 cm. margins (left and right).

3. Text format:

Manuscript target length is 3 pages. Double spacing will only be used before and after each section. Section headings and subheadings will be capitalised. Headings will be in bold and will be ordered using consecutive Arabic numerals. Acronyms will be written without punctuation. When authors need to highlight a word or a set of words, italics or inverted commas will be used. No bold typing or underlining will be used.

4.Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and will be numbered in the text of the manuscript (if necessary the  corresponding number will appear before any other typography).

5. References given in the main body of the text will provide authors’ surnames in block capitals and year of publication (GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ, 2000). If the reference is authored by more than one researcher, the first author’s surname will be followed by et al. and year of publication (GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ et al., 2000).  Multiple works by the same author published the same year will be followed by letters (2000a, 2000b). This applies to the Reference list section as well.

6. Full name of authors and workplace will be found at the end of the text, right-aligned.


Privacy Statement

Names and e-mail addresses included in this journal will only be used for the intents and purposes of Geography Papers and will not be used otherwise by us or a third party.