No. 6 (2012): June

Flamenco Research Magazine "La Madrugá"

No. 6 (2012): June
The new number of "La Madrugá " contains five interesting articles. Norberto Torres explores the musical origins of the flamenco guitar in a trip that leads us to the Spanish baroque and in which appear some important figures as Briceño or Gaspar Sanz. Rafael Hoces thinks about the convenience of the musical transcription in an oral tradition art like the Flamenco. Montse Madridejos reveals new information on the brilliant bailaora Carmen Amaya and his cinematographic incursions during his stay in USA. Pedro Fernandez Riquelme investigates on presence of the Flamenco in the region of the northwest of Murcia, cradle of notable artists. And, finally, Jose F. Ortega describes the musical features of the "cantes de las minas", possibly the most important contribution of Murcia to the flamenco art.
Published: 01-06-2012