The flamenco-saxophone in musical education in Spain: generation of an educational context for the inclusion of popular music


  • Óscar Estévez García Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Keywords: Saxophone, flamenco, music education, popular music


The study of flamenco in Spanish musical institutions is scarce. In the case of conservatories, this situation is aggravated by the non-inclusion of the subject in the curriculum in most centers, as well as the lack of a specialist teaching profile that can transmit the appropriate knowledge. The saxophone, as a woodwind instrument, offers an educational opportunity to work on the palos, rhythm and harmony of flamenco, enriching the student's musical education and knowledge of popular music. The objective of the research is to know the educational possibilities of the flamenco-saxophone and its implementation in the Spanish educational system. Qualitative methodology is used using interviews with a group of experts as an instrument to extract a trend content analysis, and the extraction of quantitative data from a questionnaire. It is concluded that the diversification of teaching and the change in the study method allow the saxophonist to generate knowledge for the teaching-learning process of flamenco.


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How to Cite
Estévez García, Óscar. (2025). The flamenco-saxophone in musical education in Spain: generation of an educational context for the inclusion of popular music. Flamenco Research Magazine "La Madrugá", (21).