Conchita Piquer. Pioneerism and versatility.

Conchita Piquer, pionerismo y polivalencia


  • Benito Martínez del Baño Academia de las Artes Escénicas de España
Keywords: silent cinema, copla, Conchita Piquer, Valencia, España


Few are the artists who really triumph in the song, during the first years of life of the cinema, and of the radio, at the beginning of the 20th century. Within the historical context that we will proceed to establish, reference will be made to music, focusing on the copla and flamenco, in the period in which the cinematographic image lacks sound integrated into the film band, being synchronized for years film and album in trade passes. In the early twenties, the most famous singer was none other than Raquel Meller, especially in the field of cuplé, without forgetting Pastora Imperio, who excelled in flamenco. But a new voice would arrive, that of Conchita Piquer. The three artists, versatile where they exist, each one from their place, change the history of cinema by participating in the shootings to which they are summoned. History and even biographers continue to mix dates, titles and formats today. The time has come to put the first years of cinema in order again, now with Conchita Piquer, who is the first Spanish artist to shoot a sound short film outside of Spain.


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García Matos, Manuel (1987). Sobre el flamenco. Madrid: Editorial Cinterco.

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Román, Ignacio (2000). La copla: la canción tradicional española, la tonadilla, sus orígenes populares, los mejores intérpretes. Madrid: Acento Editorial.

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Valls Gorina, Manuel y Padrol, Joan (1986/1990). Música y cine. Barcelona: Ultramar Editores.

How to Cite
Martínez del Baño, B. (2021). Conchita Piquer. Pioneerism and versatility.: Conchita Piquer, pionerismo y polivalencia. Flamenco Research Magazine "La Madrugá", (18), 141–149.