The musical transcription of flamenco zapateado: a didactic proposal



The way of transmission of musical contents in the flamenco has occurred mainly by means of the observation, imitation and repetition in the binomial student-master. On the other hand, different authors and theories have questioned the possibility that the flamenco music could be transcribed. However, there are several proposals for transcription for the different musical instruments in flamenco including zapateado, however, so far, we have no record of a study that justifies the way to transcribe musically the zapateado. For this reason, this work tries to analyze three aspects present in the different musical transcriptions as: the compass, the right and left indications and the forms of blow to start from this analysis to make a proposal of notation that justifies these aspects in the musical transcription of the flamenco zapateado.


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Author Biography

Rosa de las Heras Fernández, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja

Jefa de Departamento de Música. Facultad de Educación. Universidad Internacional de la Rioja


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How to Cite
de las Heras Fernández, R. (2017). The musical transcription of flamenco zapateado: a didactic proposal. Flamenco Research Magazine "La Madrugá", (14). Retrieved from