Desarrollo histórico y evolutivo del baile flamenco: de los bailes de candil a las nuevas tendencias en el baile flamenco


  • LIDIA ATENCIA DOÑA Escuela Superior de Artes Escénicas (Málaga)
Keywords: Baile flamenco, evolución, danza, revisión


Flamenco dance, unlike other dances such as classical ones, has been developing thought times with elements of diverse origins and nowadays it continues progressing and adapting to the new times.
In the present article, a new revision will be carried out, basing on existent literature on flamenco dance, illustrating its development and historical progress, looking into different periods, trends and elements that have contributed to its configuration: candle dances, singers cafés, academies and ballrooms, relation to bolero school, which represented an inspiration for years, and stylization and development of pure flamenco with its arrival to theatres. Finally, a close approach to flamenco features in current times will also be addressed.  


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How to Cite
ATENCIA DOÑA, L. (2016). Desarrollo histórico y evolutivo del baile flamenco: de los bailes de candil a las nuevas tendencias en el baile flamenco. Flamenco Research Magazine "La Madrugá", (12). Retrieved from