El flamenco escénico y la división sexual del trabajo. Estudio estadístico de la Bienal de Sevilla, 2014


  • Cristina Cruces Roldán Universidad de Sevilla
Keywords: Flamenco, Sexual Division of Labor, Festivals, Labor Market, Art, Bienal de Flamenco of Seville, Andalusia


The article analyses of the representation of men and women in the casts of the Bienal de Flamenco 2014 and its comparison to three other data sources from the late nineteenth century up to the early twenty-first century. The evidences of patterns and trends studied reveal the continuity of a sexual division and a heavily male-dominated job market, both in the arts and among technical professionals of flamenco.
The essential characteristics of the lower margin of the occupation of women, and even their practical exclusion of certain tasks of flamenco, are described through charts and graphs. The article provides statistical data about the distribution of flamenco artists and flamenco technicians, differences between census offers and performing demands, sex distribution of the interpretative subgenres (singing, dancing, guitar-playing, vocals, palms and rhythm, percussion and other instrumentation), performing hierarchies (holders, secondary or special guests and collaborators), and four other technical fields of direction, creation, additional technics, and production.


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Author Biography

Cristina Cruces Roldán, Universidad de Sevilla

Profesora Titular de Antropología Social, Universidad de Sevilla
How to Cite
Cruces Roldán, C. (2016). El flamenco escénico y la división sexual del trabajo. Estudio estadístico de la Bienal de Sevilla, 2014. Flamenco Research Magazine "La Madrugá", (12). Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/flamenco/article/view/225051