Description of the Care Burden for a family with an elderly risk of dementia


Palavras-chave: burden of care for family, elderly, risk of dementia


Introduction: Dementia is one of the leading causes of dependence among the elderly worldwide and has a physical, psychological, social, and economic impact, especially on their families. Early recognition of the caring burden for the elderly at risk of dementia is important to prevent deterioration.
Objective: This study aims to obtain an overview of the care burden for the elderly at risk of dementia in the community.
Methods: This descriptive study involves a population of all the elderly living with their families in the Jakarta area with a random sampling of 168 respondents. The screening instrument for modifying the care burden of families consists of 21 items.
Results: Most elderly are at risk of dementia, accounting for 72%, 73.2% have a chronic disease, and 73.8% are still independently doing BADL. Furthermore, 58.3% of the families have a low burden of care.
Conclusion: The burden experienced by the elderly and their families influences their life quality. It is hoped that families with older members continue to improve and maintain their quality of life by remaining active and productive in fulfilling their needs and pleasures.


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Como Citar
Siti Maryam, R. 2023. Description of the Care Burden for a family with an elderly risk of dementia. Enfermería Global. 22, 1 (Jan. 2023), 426–447. DOI: