Assessment of an Assistive technology on drugs: comparative study between Brazil and Portugal


Keywords: Self-help devices; Disorders related to substance use; Health education; People with visual impairment.


Purpose: (1) To evaluate the appropriateness of the assistive technology "Drugs: Reflection for Prevention" in regarding its “objectives”, “accessibility”, “clarity”, “structure and presentation”, “relevance and effectiveness”, and “interactivity” from the perspective of visually impaired people in Brazil and Portugal, and (2) to compare the evaluations of participants in Brazil and Portugal.
Method: Descriptive and exploratory study carried out in associations for visually impaired people. Sixty-two visually impaired people participated in the study. Data were collected through an Assistive Technology Assessment Questionnaire. Data were described through means to analyze the attributes and the Mann-Whitney test was used to verify the association between results in the two study sites.
Results: In Brazil, the participants were predominantly male, blind, with 14.81 years of schooling; and in Portugal the participants were predominantly female, blind, with 9.58 years of schooling. The participants’ evaluation of the Assistive Technology was good at both countries, with a mean score above 1.6. There were no differences between countries (p > 0.05) in the evaluation.
Conclusions: Assistive Technology on psychoactive substances received a good evaluation in Brazil and Portugal. The differences between the participants of the two countries did not interfere with the evaluation.



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Author Biography

Fernanda Guimaraes

Enfermeira. Professora Mestre do Núcleo de Enfermagem do Centro Acadêmico de Vitória da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE). Terapeuta Comunitária.


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How to Cite
Guimaraes, F. et al. 2021. Assessment of an Assistive technology on drugs: comparative study between Brazil and Portugal. Global Nursing. 20, 3 (Jul. 2021), 244–282. DOI: