Characterization of home admissions in a health area in the Marianao Municipality


  • Aurora Fajardo Villarroel Lcda. en Enfermería. Profesora Asistente. Instituto Superior de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana.
Keywords: home admissions, sanitary work group, competence and performance


We studied 400 patients of the sanitary Work Group # 2 Polyclinic "Dr. Carlos J. Finlay Marianao Municipality during the year 2008. The work was aimed at contributing to the knowledge of the main characteristics of home admissions by meeting the general guidelines and professional ethics, demonstrating that it constitutes the main tool of the binomial nurse – family doctor to ensure comprehensive care for patients and family. We performed a retrospective descriptive study, emphasizing the results in the statistical tables expressed in absolute and relative numbers with one and two entries. The age groups with the highest incidence was 40-59 years with 38.5% and over 60 years with 24.7%. Females predominated in 65.0%. The most frequent admissions were due to high blood pressure with a 30.25%, the 24.75% for bronchial asthma and acute respiratory infections with 12.75%. The majority 56.75% had a medium-length stay. 97.75% of cases recovered satisfactorily, demonstrating the self-sacrificing job of the doctor and nurse.


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How to Cite
Fajardo Villarroel, A. 2011. Characterization of home admissions in a health area in the Marianao Municipality. Global Nursing. 10, 3 (Jun. 2011). DOI: