Effectiveness of the implementation of community IMCI strategy in Monteria Colombia


  • Candelaria Isabel Padilla Choperena 1Enfermera. Magister en Salud Pública. Docente Universidad del Sinu Elías Bechara Zainúm. Montería. Córdoba. Colombia
  • Concepción Amador-Ahumada Enfermera. Magister en Enfermería. Docente Titular Universidad de Córdoba, área investigación. Córdoba. Colombia.
  • Elsy Puello Alcocer Enfermera. Magister en Desarrollo Social. Docente Asociado Universidad de Córdoba área Salud Colectiva. Córdoba. Colombia.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.17.4.304901


Objective: Describe the scope that has been the strategy Integrated management in childhood Illness (IMCI) on morbidity and mortality in children under five years living in the South of the municipality of Monteria (Cordoba, Colombia).
Methodology: Descriptive study, social, quantitative approach. It was interview with 145 caregivers of children to assess knowledge, applicability of the 18 key practices, and felt morbidity of diseases subject of strategy in 87 families with homes in strata 1 and 2. The official information on the rates of infant mortality (2005-2015) of the municipality was used to analyze the trend of this indicator.
Results: The most used practices are those relating to competences for disease control subject of the strategy (80% to 99.3%), however, a high percentage (66.9%) does not recognize the warning signs; lesser used practices related to the promotion of health and prevention of diseases prevalent (23%-57, 9%). Social mobilization with ethno-cultural approach has an intermediate level of frequency of use (60% to 79%). Diarrhea and pneumonia predominate, more permanent learning relate to key practices 11, 12 and 17; the less applied are key practices 3, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Lower sustained mortality was observed after the implementation of the strategy IMCI.
Conclusions: The parents and caregivers of children give more importance and differential applicability for the control of diseases than for their prevention.


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How to Cite
Padilla Choperena, C.I. et al. 2018. Effectiveness of the implementation of community IMCI strategy in Monteria Colombia. Global Nursing. 17, 4 (Oct. 2018), 252–277. DOI:https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.17.4.304901.