The minority of male in the nursing profession. Reflexions of their history, image and their evolution in Spain


  • Vicente Bernalte Martí UNIVERSITAT JAUME I
Keywords: Nursing, nurses, stereotype, nurse picture, history


The patriarchal model of society in the late nineteenth century joined quite naturally in the Spanish health service, being out of the question that the nurse was absolutely subject to the doctor, without any more autonomus own space.

Despite the great progress lived in the nursing science, going from occupation to profession and the disappearance of the practitioner-healer-man and woman-nurse-caregiver division, professionals still face challenges related to its image.

The male group remains a minority group in the Spanish nursing profession (15.7% according to the Instituto Nacional de Estadística, 2013), and this small percentage of men has remained roughly constant for decades.

The history and evolution of men in the nursing profession in Spain is analyzed and, from the knowledge of this male reality in our country, we reflect on those criteria that allow the full professional development of men in the nursing profession, avoiding stereotypes about gender roles.


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Author Biography

Vicente Bernalte Martí, UNIVERSITAT JAUME I

Facultad Ciencias de la Salud. Universitat Jaume I.Castellón de la Plana. (España)
How to Cite
Bernalte Martí, V. 2014. The minority of male in the nursing profession. Reflexions of their history, image and their evolution in Spain. Global Nursing. 14, 1 (Dec. 2014), 328–334. DOI:
Reflexiones y Ensayos