The primary health care from the users perspective


  • Alexandra Giraldo Osorio Universidad de Caldas
  • Consuelo Vélez Álvarez Universidad de Caldas
Keywords: Primary health care, patient satisfaction, quality of health care, delivery of health care, health services, patient care


Objective: To identify the characteristics of the development of the Primary Health Care strategy according to the users and factors that relate to the use of services.

Materials and methods: Descriptive and mixed study. This study included 393 primary health care users. The sample selection was made according to established criteria. It used the focus group and the survey. The information was categorized and processed in SPSS 15.0.

Results: The average age was 37.62 years. The main reasons for seeking care are recovering and disease prevent. The age was associated significantly with recover as one of the reasons for seeking attention p<0.05. The highest level of studies showed statistically significant association with recovery as a reason for requesting attention p <0.05 and the health status perception was associated with satisfaction with care last was offered or requested p<0.05.

Conclusions: The activities were directed to priority groups. The users benefited from the services through family visit, health day, mobile unit and community meetings. The factors related to services use were age, gender, geographic accessibility, satisfaction with the last care received, health status perception and recovery as one of the reasons for seeking health care.


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Author Biographies

Alexandra Giraldo Osorio, Universidad de Caldas

Grupo de Investigación Promoción de la Salud y Prevención de la Enfermedad, Programa de Jóvenes Investigadores e Innovadores, Universidad de Caldas, Colciencias

Consuelo Vélez Álvarez, Universidad de Caldas

Departamento de SaludPública, Grupo de Investigación Promoción de la Salud y Prevención de laEnfermedad, Universidad de Caldas
How to Cite
Giraldo Osorio, A. and Vélez Álvarez, C. 2014. The primary health care from the users perspective. Global Nursing. 13, 2 (Mar. 2014), 232–251. DOI: