Relation between health problems of elderly dependent and training of informal caregivers
Aim: To study the relationship between the health problems of elderly dependent and training of informal caregivers.
Methods: We present an exploratory, descriptive cross-sectional, selecting 41 caregivers through intentional non-probability sampling. He has designed a questionnaire based on the literature and content validity has been agreed upon by experts. For data analysis has been used SPSS version 18.0.
Results: 41.5% of informal caregivers received some training, 92.7% of caregivers state that need training regarding the health problems of people cared and 58.5% of seniors have been maintained for caregivers who are not trained.
Conclusions: It is significant that in our study there are more untrained caregivers caring for people with health problems than with specific training, being necessary to the main informal cares to attend training programs on issues of health care and requiring older people who care for what is proposed as a strategy for improvement, health management since they provide the resources and facilities needed by caregivers, and enhance the use of training tools (forums, chats, emails, Tuenti, facebook, blog, twitter, Skype, etc.), which can arise as an alternative to face sessions.
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