Breastfeeding problems prevention in early breast feeding through effective technique


  • Isabel Maria Fernández Medina Diplomada en Enfermería y Fisioterapia. Universidad de Granada.
  • Carmen Tamara Gonzalez Fernández Diplomada en Enfermería y Licenciada en Antropología Social y Cultural. Universidad de Granada.
Keywords: Breastfeeding, fissures, mastitis, engorgement, prevention


Introduction: Currently, most mothers know the importance of breastfeeding for both the mother and the child from the nutritional point of view and emotional development as well as prevention and pathologies, but some mothers know that inadequate breastfeeding technique can cause early problems in the breasts and thus, in many cases, the early abandonment of lactation.

Objective: In this study the main puerperal breast abnormalities that may be associated with ineffective breastfeeding technique, due to insufficient maternal education about it are set out.

Method: We performed a literature research in the following databases: Medline, Pubmed and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Works related to the objective of this text are included.

Results: Consulted studies evaluated the association between the onset of breast problems and the use of inappropriate lactation technique and the efficacy of treatments after the onset of the lesions.

Conclusions: The association between the occurrences of early problems in the breast associated with breastfeeding technique is evident. We conclude that prevention is the best treatment, where important work develops a healthcare professional.


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How to Cite
Fernández Medina, I.M. and Gonzalez Fernández, C.T. 2013. Breastfeeding problems prevention in early breast feeding through effective technique. Global Nursing. 12, 3 (Jul. 2013), 443–451. DOI:
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