Characterization of the personal aggressions caused emergency medical service in a regional hospital


  • Nativitat Ortells Abuye estudios realizados en Universitat de Girona. centro de trabajo: Hospital de Palamos
  • Teresa Muñoz Belmonte Auxiliar de Enfermería 1999 en IES El Bohio, Cartajena
  • Marta Paguina Martos Diplomada en enfermería. Universidad de Cruz roja de Barcelona
  • Isabel Morató Lorente Diplomada en enfermeria 1999.Universidad de Gerona
Keywords: Aggression, emergency service, patients, patient escort service, violence


Objective: Workplace violence is an emerging phenomenon in occupational hazards and specifically in the health sector end emergency services. Our objective is to characterize the aggressions caused emergency personnel in a district hospital.
Methods: Cross-sectional study. The study populations are workers in the emergency department. Staff was excluded under one year old. We designed a questionnaire with socio-demographic variables and characteristics of the aggressions in 2011. The response rate was 92.4%. Descriptive statistics were performed using SPSS 16.
Results: The 58.2% of emergency personnel was attacked: 39% experienced nurses, doctors 19.5%, 17.1% administrative staff, 12.2% auxiliary sanitary, auxiliary nurses 7.3% technical of radiology 4.9%, with a significant association between professional and aggressions (p = 0.004). 40.4% of the aggressions took place in the night 31.9% in the morning and 27.6% in the afternoon.75% were verbal, 25% physical and verbal. 27.5% 4 or more suffered verbal abuse.35.8% of aggressions were committed by attendants, 18.9% of patients and 45.3% for both.71.7% did not report the attack on his high command or the prevention service.67.1% received no training in violence prevention. 69.9% do not know the protocol entity.
Conclusions: Lack of specific training on the issue and dissemination of existing protocols


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Author Biographies

Nativitat Ortells Abuye, estudios realizados en Universitat de Girona. centro de trabajo: Hospital de Palamos

Diplomada en Enfermeria en el 1996.

Posgrado de urgencias y emergencias. Postgrado en enfermo crítico. Master de urgencias y emergencias. Postgrado en gestión enfermera.

Enfermera del servicio de urgencias del Hospital de Palamós. Enfermera en la Unidad de Camara Hiperbàtica.

Teresa Muñoz Belmonte, Auxiliar de Enfermería 1999 en IES El Bohio, Cartajena


Profesora asociada al IES Palamós

Auxiliar de enfermería en el servicio de urgencias del Hospital de Palamós

Marta Paguina Martos, Diplomada en enfermería. Universidad de Cruz roja de Barcelona

Diplomada en Enfermería en el servicio de urgencias del Hospital de Palamós

Isabel Morató Lorente, Diplomada en enfermeria 1999.Universidad de Gerona

Diplomada de Enfermeria en el servicio de urgencias del Hospital de Palamós
How to Cite
Ortells Abuye, N. et al. 2013. Characterization of the personal aggressions caused emergency medical service in a regional hospital. Global Nursing. 12, 2 (Mar. 2013). DOI: