The communication nurse-patient in treatment at the emergency services 24 hours: an interpretation in Travelbee


  • Thalita Rocha Oliveira Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF).
  • Sonia Mara Faria Simões Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF).
Keywords: Nursing, nursing service, communitacion, emergency nursing


A descriptive survey and a qualitative boarding have as a goal to show the communication nurse-patient and the treatment in nursing that the 24h emergency services and to discuss the aspects of the communication and the interpersonal relationship nurse-patient in the treatment regarding the theoretical reference by Joyce Travelbee. Data were obtained after having being approved in the committee of ethics through the semi-structured interview applied to ten 2nd Lieutenants Military Firewomen Nurses in the District of Belford Roxo. The thematic analysis of the words made possible to demonstrate three categories: the revealed communication in the treatment of nursing; the communication nurse-patient in the spaces of care of the24h Emergency Unit and the aspects of the interpersonal relationship nurse-patient. To sum up, due to the relation human being- human being the communication and the added care in an Emergency Unit occur in its different objective and affective possibilities, instrumental and expressive, respectively, independent of the space of care.


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Author Biographies

Thalita Rocha Oliveira, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF).

Mestre em Enfermagem/UFF. Enfermeira obstétrica do Hospital Federal de Bonsucesso/Rio de Janeiro

Sonia Mara Faria Simões, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF).

Professora Doutora da Escola de Enfermagem Aurora de Afonso Costa/UFF
How to Cite
Oliveira, T.R. and Simões, S.M.F. 2013. The communication nurse-patient in treatment at the emergency services 24 hours: an interpretation in Travelbee. Global Nursing. 12, 2 (Mar. 2013). DOI: