The anatomic relationship involved in the administration of medication via the intramuscular route: a field of study of nurses
Aim: to select the studies that link the anatomical descriptions of the major muscles used in clinical practice for the election of the region of drug delivery and to review key studies that establish the anatomical relationships between the vascular-nervous structures and skeletal striated muscle in the process of administering intramuscular medication.Methodology: this is a systematic review guided by eight steps constructed by the author that indicated the covered phases in the selection of manuscripts to address the research questions.
Results: Two studies gave information of the deltoid region about the injury to the axillary nerve and its relationship to the posterior humeral circumflex artery. As for the ventral-gluteal region, the two most suitable models of anatomical site most suitable for puncture in such a way that does not injure the superior gluteal nerve and superior gluteal artery were studied. With regard to the region back-gluteal, discussions were limited to the conformation between the sciatic nerve and the major gluteus muscle, which is widely distributed in the various classical literatures. The lateral thigh leads us to a reflection on the relationship with the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh.
Conclusion: the review presents in a systematic way the main anatomical relationships that underlie the development of the technique of administering intramuscular medication performed by nurses, which should suit the different areas of knowledge to the individuality of the client.
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