Hellp syndrome: study review for nursing care


  • Roberto Santos de Oliveira RN Teacher of Nursing School, Iguaçu University. Rio de Janeiro
  • Ilma Cristina de Matos RN Degree Student, Iguaçu University
  • Tainá Bonfim P da Silva RN Degree Student, Iguaçu University
  • Neusa Maria de Azevedo RN Teacher of Nursing School, Iguaçu University. Rio de Janeiro
  • Marilda Andrade RN PhD Teacher of Nursing School, Federal Fluminense University.Rio de Janeiro.
  • Fatima Helena do Espirito Santo RN PhD Teacher of Nursing School, Federal Fluminense University.Rio de Janeiro.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.11.4.159241
Keywords: Hellp syndrome, Pregnancy Complications, nursing care


Narrative review of a qualitative approach that examines HELLP Syndrome as a major complication of hypertension among pregnant women. It is a set of signs and symptoms that can occur in the pre-eclampsia. HELLP means: H: hemolysis (involves the destruction of red blood cells), EL: elevated liver enzymes and LP: decreased number of platelets (cells that help clotting) circulating. When a pregnant woman in a state of pre-eclampsia presents clinical or laboratory abnormality consistent with hemolysis one can consider the possibility of HELLP Syndrome. In the situation where a pregnant woman is stable it is possible to make the pregnancy viable with the use of steroids in the induction of fetal lung maturation, reducing the birth complications for the mother and the newborn; because in HELLP syndrome the birth is the only treatment capable of stopping it. This study highlights the importance of investigation process for the diagnosis of HELLP syndrome in a pregnant hypertensive, with pre-eclampsia is assisted by a nurse, to prevent the impairment of the vitality and maternal mortality in severe cases.


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How to Cite
de Oliveira, R.S. et al. 2012. Hellp syndrome: study review for nursing care. Global Nursing. 11, 4 (Sep. 2012). DOI:https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.11.4.159241.