Experience of technology transfer from Telephone Counseling for Chronic Conditions to Primary Care Teams


  • Claudia Bustamante Troncoso Escuela de Enfermería Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Giselle Riquelme Hernández Matrona. Magíster en Enfermería. Profesora Asistente Adjunto.
  • C Alcayaga Rojas Enfermera Matrona. Magíster en Psicología de la Salud. Profesora Asistente Adjunto.
  • I Lange Haensgen Enfermera. Profesora Titular. Escuela de Enfermería. Facultad de Medicina Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • M Urrutia Bunster Enfermera. Profesora Titular. Escuela de Enfermería. Facultad de Medicina Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.11.3.148671
Keywords: Technology transfer, chronic diseases, telephone counseling, self-management

Supporting Agencies

  • Ministerio de Salud de Chile


The technology transfer process requires training future users in specific knowledge and skills, as well as performing administrative adjustments for an effective incorporation of innovation into the structure of the system and into the professional care.

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile's School of Nursing developed a model of Technological Support for Health Self-Care, which includes the use of telephone counseling to help people who suffer from chronic diseases manage their condition and look after themselves by teaching them techniques which alleviate their disease. Here, we present an experience that was carried out to transfer this technology to professionals related to the Cardiovascular Health Program in Chilean Public Primary Healthcare Centers located in a low-income district of Chile's capital city, Santiago, so that the technology could be applied to patients with type 2 diabetes who had joined such program.

This process was conducted in two stages: 1. Making of a theoretical-practical workshop to support health decision-making and motivational strategies for health behavior change (workshops and demonstrations); and 2. Field demonstration, and monitoring with supervision and meetings at local level.

The professionals who participated in the technology transfer program succeeded in developing the skills expected in the Telephone Counseling Tool to Support Self-Management of People suffering from DM2. Finally, to enable telephone counseling in clinical practice, healthcare centers restructured their system of service provisions, incorporating such counseling into their professional duties.


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Author Biography

Claudia Bustamante Troncoso, Escuela de Enfermería Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Enfermera-Matrona, Diplomada en Enfermería en Salud Mental y Psiquiatría, Enfermería Comuntaria y Educación para la Salud, Magíster en Enfermería, .

Profesora Asistente Adjunta del Departamento de Salud de Adulto y Senescente, de la Escuela de Enfermería de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

How to Cite
Bustamante Troncoso, C. et al. 2012. Experience of technology transfer from Telephone Counseling for Chronic Conditions to Primary Care Teams. Global Nursing. 11, 3 (Jul. 2012). DOI:https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.11.3.148671.