Continuity of care in patients after hip fracture surgery


  • María Rocío Calero Romero
Keywords: primary health care, specialized health care, care, hip fracture


Objective: To assess whether a patient after a hip fracture surgery follows a continuity of care or not; to know how other factors affect.

Design: This is a quantitative study

Population: Hospitalized people in the orthopaedic floor at the General Hospital Juan Ramón Jiménez (Huelva) who have undergone hip fracture surgery, 48 patients.

Data recording technique: Direct observation, interviews and telephone surveys.

Analysis of the data: A SPSS program was used.

Variables: Age, sex, marital status, socioeconomic level, educational level, hospital, care personalization, chronic programmes and “Continuity of care”, it was measured by: demand, communication and valuation.

Results: Regarding the demand factor, the 41, 46% of the patients neither demand the care nor are warned by the professionals as far as the Continuity of Care report did not arrive; moreover, in the 9, 76% of the studied cases, the report arrived late and the 29, 27% of the patients required the care after having been discharged. Only the 19, 51% of the patients are warned by the professionals after having received the report correctly. With regard to the Communication and Valuation: Communication among the professionals exists in the 70% of the patients and they have nursery valuation. There is a connection between the continuity of care and the chronic programs (p=0,004)

Conclusions: A continuity of care does not exist due to the inadequate intercommunication among the welfare level. We can establish connections between the dependent variable and the chronic program


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Author Biography

María Rocío Calero Romero

Enfermera Hospital General Juan Ramón Jiménez. Huelva.

How to Cite
Calero Romero, M.R. 2012. Continuity of care in patients after hip fracture surgery. Global Nursing. 11, 3 (Jul. 2012). DOI: