Nursing care to mastectomized women


  • Ana Bárbara Pereira Mendes Enfermera.
  • Mirian da Costa Lindolpho Profesora Adjunta de la Disciplina de Fundamentos de Enfermería I del Departamento de Fundamentos de Enfermería y Administración de la Escuela de Enfermería Aurora de Afonso Costa de la Universidad Federal Fluminense – Niterói – RJ
  • Andréa Pinto Leite Profesora Sustituta de la Disciplina de Fundamentos de Enfermería I de la Escuela de Enfermería Aurora de Afonso Costa de la Universidad Federal Fluminense.
Keywords: breast cancer, nurse assistance, women.


This goal of this research is to talk about the daily life of women who had developed breast cancer and underwent mastectomy and the treatment, and were assisted by a nurse and a nurse group.
The objectives were to identify the expectations of women who underwent mastectomy with respect to the care of the nurse and describe how these women perceived the assistance extended to them. It is a descriptive case study with a qualitative approach, using open interview and engaging with nine women from a support group of mastectomized women in Niterói – RJ - Brazil.
It was observed that the expectation related to the nurse, who must be professional technically competentc and understnad the moment the patients are going through. In terms of the nurse’s action: women related that some of their doubts were qualmed, which was essential during the post-surgery,by technical procedures and giving emotional support.
The research showed that the assistance from the nurse and the others in the group were different, according to the Institution’s policy. I, in the specialized institution, nurses performed a clear and defined job; however, in the generalized institution, the function was not so clear.


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How to Cite
Pereira Mendes, A.B. et al. 2012. Nursing care to mastectomized women. Global Nursing. 11, 2 (Apr. 2012). DOI:
Enfermería y perspectiva de Género