Relation between digital Electroencephalogram clinic results, neuropsychological and imagenologic evaluation in patients with cerebral palsy clinic diagnostic


  • Marilyn Zaldívar Bermúdez Técnico en Neurofisiología clínica. Centro Internacional de Restauración Neurológica (CIREN). La Habana.
  • Lilia Morales Chacón Doctora en Ciencias. Jefa del Servicio de Neurofisiología clínica.
  • Abel Sánchez Curuneaux Enfermero General. Técnico en Neurofisiología clínica.
  • Otto Trápaga Quincoses Especialista en Neurofisiología clínica y Máster en Neurociencias.
  • Héctor Vera Cuesta Especialista en Neurología infantil y Máster en Biogenética.
  • María Eugenia García Especialista en Neuropsicología y Máster en Neurociencias. Centro Internacional de Restauración Neurológica (CIREN). La Habana
Keywords: cerebral palsy, electroencephalogram, epilepsy, mental delay, phychomotor retardation, magnetic resonance image (MRI)


Objetive: To evaluate the relation between digital Electroencephalogram (EEG) results and clinic, neuropsychological and imagenologic anomaly detected in patients with Cerebral Palsy (CP) diagnosis.
Subject and method: Descriptive longitudinal retrospective study was made of EEG informs emitted by a clinical neurophysiologic specialist in 64 patients with CP diagnosis. The information was recorded from January 2000 to December 2005 in a Clinical Neurophysiologist laboratory of the International Center of Neurological Restoration. It included patients between 2 and 15 years old, with CP diagnostic checked in clinical history. The variables assessed were tabulated in EEG records and were associated to clinical, neuropsychology and imagenologic variables. All recordings were performed with the MEDICID 4 Neuronic SA equipment made in Cuba with Track Walker 2 software.
Results: 79 % of the electroencephalographic records were pathological. In 58% of the cases there was a predominance of epileptiform activity. 50% suffered from spastic CP. The cause of CP was perinatal in 43%. The other associated conditions were Phychomotor Retardation (PR), Mental Delay (MD) and epilepsy. There was a statistically significant association between the presence of epileptiform activity and epilepsy between the EEG records and bilateral lesion and between the epileptiform activity and the presence of MD, PR and epilepsy.
Conclusions: Our results demonstrate the exististence of a statistically significant association between epileptiform anomaly and epilepsy clinical diagnosis. It was confirmed that EEG anomaly is associated with bilateral extension of motor affectation and lesions detected with Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) studies. There was an association tendency between electroencephalographic alteration, CP type, PR and MD presence. EEG is a useful diagnostic way for the functional evaluation of CP patients.


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How to Cite
Zaldívar Bermúdez, M. et al. 2012. Relation between digital Electroencephalogram clinic results, neuropsychological and imagenologic evaluation in patients with cerebral palsy clinic diagnostic. Global Nursing. 11, 2 (Mar. 2012). DOI: