Contextualization of female genital mutilation since nursing. Analysis videographic.


  • Mª del Mar Pastor Bravo Enfermera graduada. Máster en “Salud, mujer y cuidados”. Estudiante de doctorado. Universidad de Murcia.
  • Pilar Almansa Martínez Profesora Facultad de Enfermería, Universidad de Murcia.
  • Carmen Ballesteros Meseguer Matrona. Máster en “Salud, mujer y cuidados” Estudiante de doctorado. Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca.
  • Jesús David Pastor Rodríguez Enfermero. Máster en “Salud, mujer y cuidados”. Estudiante de doctorado. Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca. Profesor Asociado UCAM. Murcia
Keywords: female genital mutilation, female circumcision, ablation, nursing, analysis of audiovisual, qualitative study.


The purpose of this paper is to analize the audiovisual documents relating to the ritual of the female genital mutilation.

Material and method: pursuit and review of the video footage that give us information about the female genital mutilation in context, and be a primary source of information

Results: The anlysis of the video footage obtained allows us to identify a large amount of data in order to study the female genital mutilation in context. To analyze the collected information 10 categories have been stablished.

Conclusion: The visual documents are a essential source of research for the analysis of the female genital mutilation ritual; they are a tool to consider in the training of health professionals in this area, which affects health of women and immigrant children. The knowledge obtained due to this review can be used in order to approach in a cultural way the female genital mutilation.


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How to Cite
Pastor Bravo, M. del M. et al. 2012. Contextualization of female genital mutilation since nursing. Analysis videographic. Global Nursing. 11, 1 (Jan. 2012). DOI:
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