Returning to the approaches of sensitive nursing care


  • Alvaro Pereira Doutor em Enfermagem. Docente do PPGEnf da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal da Bahia. Líder do GECEN - Grupo de Estudos sobre o Cuidar em Enfermagem – EEUFBA.
  • Rudval Souza da Silva Lcdo. em História. Mestrando em Enfermagem. Professor substituto da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal da Bahia. Secretário do GECEN.
  • Climene Laura de Camargo Doutora em Enfermagem. Docente do PPGENF da Escola de enfermagem da UFBA. Líder do CRESCER - Grupo de Estudos sobre o cuidado a criança e o Adolescente da EEUFBA.
  • Roseana Conceição Ribeiro de Oliveira Mestre em Enfermagem Médico-cirúrgica. Enfermeira do Hospital Universitário Professor Edgar Santos da UFBA. Docente de Enfermagem da Faculdade Dom Pedro II.
Keywords: nursing, nursing care, humanization of assistance


SensitiveThe sensible care includes sensitiveble reasoning, creativity, aesthetics, solidarity, freedom, partnership and,, by association, with the human care.

Objectives: To reflect on the problems of nursing in the sensitiveble care approach and analyze some ways forto approach professionals to approachon the sensitivity care.

Methodology: This is a reflective study conducted from a literature review ofin texts on about sensitiveble care and sensitivity. The survey usedwas done in the database in the Virtual of Health Library in the last decadeand found 23 full text publications in national literature., Descriptors related to: Nursing, Nursing Care, and Humanized Assistance.


Results: The study shows that sensitiveble care, although not a descriptor in the nursing literature, is expressed in solidarity, love and professional contacts, in the availability, dispositionsal, with one attentive listening, and interested in dialogue, in the conversation-dedicated therapy, and in everything that involves the affective dialogue.

Conclusions: The study revealedevoked the need for paradigm shifts in nursing care, towards a another order more organic, affective, more humane order, that invests in the subjectivity, that valuesvaluing the lived complexity of feelings that accompany the physical and emotional disorders of the user of the consumer’s healthy service.


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How to Cite
Pereira, A. et al. 2012. Returning to the approaches of sensitive nursing care. Global Nursing. 11, 1 (Jan. 2012). DOI: