The influence of interdisciplinarity in the actions of nurses in Haemovigilance


  • Maria Angela Moreira Dias Mestre em Enfermagem pela Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery (EEAN/UFRJ); Membro-Fundadora do Núcleo de Educação e Saúde em Enfermagem (NUPESENF)do Departamento de Metodologia da EEAN/UFRJ; Enfermeira do Serviço de Educação Continuada do Hospital dos Servidores do Estado (HSE/RJ).
  • Ligia de Oliveira Viana Profª Drª Titular do Departamento de Metodologia da EEAN/UFRJ. Membro do (NUPESENF).
Keywords: health surveillance, health manpower, professional competence, professional ethics


This article comes from part of one of the chapters of analysis in a  master’s thesis in nursing whose subject is the training and skills of nurses in Haemovigilance Sentinel Hospitals in Rio de Janeiro. This new perspective in   Health Surveillance highlights nursing as the  trigger for actions for specific research since the nurses are theprofessionals who witness most adverse events in their daily practice. The object of the study is the professional relations in  Haemovigilance and the it analyzes the everyday practice of nurses in the light if interdisciplinarity. The study concludes that the professional scope of the nurse has broadened and demands the respect and recognition of the nurse’s actions on the part of other professionals in the new frontiers of health.


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How to Cite
Dias, M.A.M. and Viana, L. de O. 2012. The influence of interdisciplinarity in the actions of nurses in Haemovigilance. Global Nursing. 11, 1 (Jan. 2012). DOI: