Interventions proposed by the hospital nurses for monitoring of patients with chronic diseases.


  • Luis Villarejo Aguilar Diplomado en Enfermería. Máster en Investigación e Innovación en Cuidados y Calidad de Vida. Distrito Sanitario Jaén Norte. Atención Primaria. Servicio Andaluz de Salud.
Keywords: nursing interventions, chronic diseases, discharge


This study aims to identify the most frequent nursing interventions recorded in the discharge reports for patients with chronic diseases. We conducted a cross sectional study on all patients discharged during the retrospective period 2009-2010. Data collection and analysis of variables was done by reviewing discharge reports. The main results  identified 59 different interventions, of which themost common were power management, fall prevention family caregiver support, the prevention of pressure ulcers, advice, emotional support, Self-Care: IADL, self aid care and decreased anxiety. Continuity of care in discharged patients with chronic diseases  is essential in  orienting intensive care provided in the Hospital towards chronic care and so prevent deterioration caused by chronic illnessess.


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How to Cite
Villarejo Aguilar, L. 2012. Interventions proposed by the hospital nurses for monitoring of patients with chronic diseases. Global Nursing. 11, 1 (Jan. 2012). DOI: