The importance of games in the control of pediatric pain


  • Eva García-Carpintero Blas
Keywords: pain, pediatric patient, game


Pain is a symptom that accompanies multiple childhood diseases, and consequently, a frequent motive of consultation for health professionals. In children it was not a motive of worry for the child caregivers or researchers for a long time. Nevertheless, the need for a pediatric analgesia has undergone a drastic change in the last decades. In this way, the old axiom that children do not feel pain is luckily an obsolete concept. Game therapy begins to be a topic with great relevancy, since it can help to control pain in the pediatric patient and consequently the anxiety of the family.


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How to Cite
García-Carpintero Blas, E. 2010. The importance of games in the control of pediatric pain. Global Nursing. 9, 1 (Feb. 2010). DOI:
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