Beliefs about Sexuality in Nurses: Sexual Dysfunction and Cognitive Distortions
Supporting Agencies
- Consejo Nacional de Humanidades, Ciencia y Tecnologías (CONAHCYT).
Objective: To establish the influence of cognitive distortions on female sexual dysfunction in nurses, as well as to identify the predominant relationship between the type of cognitive distortion with female sexual dysfunction.
Methods: The design was descriptive, correlational and cross-sectional, in 184 nurses.
selected by multistage clusters. Two instruments with acceptable reliability were used: the Female Sexual Function Index and the Automatic Thoughts Instrument. The analysis was based on descriptive statistics, the Kolmogorov Smirnov test with Lilliefors correction, Spearman's coefficient of determination and Multiple Linear Regression models.
Results: The results showed positive correlations, for desire with interpretation of thought (p <.05) and desire with guilt (p <.05), on the other hand, arousal was correlated with polarized thought (p <.05). In the multiple linear regression model, the significant predictors of female sexual dysfunctions were filtering (β= -.346, p <.05), polarized thinking (β= .341, p <.05), and fallacy of change (β= -.307, p<.05).
Conclusion: the findings are relevant to the discipline of nursing, since the approach to the variables will allow promoting future interventions that will help to understand the sexuality of this population group.
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