Influence of social networks on adolescent body image. An integrative review.
An integrative review
Introduction: During adolescence, the foundations of figure and appearance are laid, and constructs such as self-concept, self-esteem and body image make sense. It is a stage of evolutionary development characterized by the search and consolidation of one's own identity, in the development and acquisition of which social networks have a considerable influence.
Objective: To analyze the available scientific evidence on the influence of social networks on adolescents' body image.
Methods: An Integrative review of the literature published in the last 5 years, carried out between January and March 2024, in the databases Pubmed, Psicodoc, CINAHL, Cuiden, Scopus and Web of Science databases, following the phased process of the PRISMA statement. We used health sciences descriptors (DeCS) "mental health", "adolescent", "social network", "self-image", "body image", "Internet addiction disorder" and their English equivalents (MeSH). The AND and OR operators were used to combine them. A total of 19 articles were included.
Conclusions: Excessive use of social network negatively influences the self-esteem and self-concept of adolescents. The most used social networks with the greatest impact on the health and well-being of young people is Instagram followed by YouTube. Furthermore, it has been seen that there are differences in the use and impact that these have between girls and boys, with the former being the most affected and those who spend the most time.
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- 15-01-2025 (2)
- 14-01-2025 (1)
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