Strategies to ensure the critical patient safety


Keywords: Strategies, Guideline, Patient safety, Intensive care unit, Nurses


Objective: Identify the strategies to guarantee the safety of the critically ill patient.

Method: Integrative review, whose search was carried out in May 2022 using the data sources: MEDLINE, SciELO, WOS, LILACS, Scopus and IBECS. The analysis and synthesis were built from the results found, seeking to group them by categories based on the similarity of content.

Results: 377 articles were found, then the inclusion criteria and exhaustive reading were applied, resulting in a sample of 13 articles. The results were classified into five categories: Prevention of pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation; Safety in the administration of management of medicines; Prevention of pressure injuries; Educational program oriented to patient safety in intensive care and; Reflections of the health team regarding safety culture.

Conclusions: This study contributes to comprehensively identify the various strategies whose results demonstrated a positive change in the prevention of adverse events and strengthening of safety in health care.

Keywords: Strategies. Guideline. Patient safety. Intensive care unit. Nurses


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How to Cite
Cadillo Morales, P. et al. 2024. Strategies to ensure the critical patient safety. Global Nursing. 23, 1 (Jan. 2024), 514–540. DOI: