Implementation of Evidenced- Based Nursing in Primary Care


Keywords: Evidence-Based Nursing, Primary Care Nursing, Nursing Research, nursing, Nursing Methodology Research, Clinical Nursing Research


Introduction: The implementation of Evidenced- Based Nursing (EBN) is characterized by multiple benefits, for the patients and the nurses. However, the implementation is difficult for different reasons.
Objectives: To evaluate the daily use of the EBN, the attitude towards EBN and the skills and knowledge of nurses to apply EBN in the selected health centers and also, to explore the self-perceived factors that may hinder the implementation of EBN at work and the possible measures to improve it by the nurses that work in PC.
Methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive, multicenter and mixed concurrent triangulation strategy research, compose of a validated questionnaire and two open questions.
Results: 65 nurses participated, mostly women, of whom 50,8% have received EBN’s formation. The punctuation of the different parts of the questionnaire are: 27,02 (x̄) in the EBN’s daily use, 18 (m) in the attitude and 44,15 (x̄) in the EBN’s skills and knowledge. Some factors self-perceived that difficult the EBN’s implementation are the lack of formation and time and the job insecurity and there are some measures suggested for palliate it such as: formation, recruitment and teamwork.
Conclusions: The participants show a favorable attitude towards EBN, but daily use and skills and knowledge are moderate, observing a relationship between training in EBN and nursing specialization with greater skills and knowledge in EBN. There is a need to carry out studies with a greater impact for a more complete evaluation and implementation of the appropriate strategies.


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How to Cite
García Hernández, M. et al. 2024. Implementation of Evidenced- Based Nursing in Primary Care. Global Nursing. 23, 1 (Jan. 2024), 322–354. DOI: