Audiovisual Effectiveness of Independent Fetal Well-being Monitoring on Mother-Fetus Attachment and Birth Outcomes


Keywords: Fetal Well-being, Maternal-Fetal Attachment, Birth outcomes


Introduction: The mother-fetus bond plays an important role in pregnancy care, impacting birth outcomes. Monitoring fetal movement is a fundamental competence for pregnant women to do independently. Objective: to produce audiovisual monitoring of independent fetal movement and prove its effectiveness on maternal-fetal attachment and birth outcomes.
Methods: Phase I, developing Audiovisual Fetal Well-being Monitoring, with literature study steps, developing scenarios, creating audiovisuals, testing the validity of experts. Stage 2 tested the effectiveness of audiovisual media on maternal-fetal attachment with the Prenatal Attachment Inventory instrument and birth outcomes from infant birth weight. Design of true experimental pretest-posttest control group approach. Samples of pregnant women with a history of antenatal care at the Kasihan II Health Center, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia with the following criteria: single pregnancy, normal, gestational age 28-36 weeks. Respondents of 60 subjects were divided into experimental and control groups. Normal data were tested by paired t test, independent t-test and MANOVA.
Results: Content expert validity test score 81% very valid, media expert validity score 80.33%, valid. The audiovisual application showed the results of the paired t-test, both in the experimental and control groups there were differences in pretest and posttest, P <0.05. Independent sample t-test P < 0.05 and simultaneous MANOVA results showed maternal-fetal attachment score and birth outcome P < 0.05. Conclusion: Independent monitoring of fetal well-being using audiovisual media simultaneously affects the increase in maternal-fetal attachment scores and birth outcomes so it is recommended that second trimester pregnant women be taught techniques for counting fetal movements and practicing them routinely.


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How to Cite
Purwati, Y. and Sari, A.D. 2024. Audiovisual Effectiveness of Independent Fetal Well-being Monitoring on Mother-Fetus Attachment and Birth Outcomes. Global Nursing. 23, 1 (Jan. 2024), 68–94. DOI: