KEDUSIA-RSM: An Android-Based Nursing Model for Dementia Prevention and Better Cognitive Function in Older Adults


Keywords: android-based application, cognitive function, KEDUSIA-RSM, nursing model, risk factors of dementia


Introduction: Elderly people with dementia can become a burden to their family. Knowledge of the risk factors for dementia may lower the negative effects of dementia itself. Using Android-based applications can be helpful to families in preventing dementia and caring for the elderly.
Objective: This study aimed to formulate an effective family nursing model through an Android-based application, Keluarga Peduli Demensia – Raden Siti Maryam (KEDUSIA-RSM), to enhance cognitive function and to monitor the risk factors of dementia in the elderly.
Methods: This study employed an operational research design in two stages: 1) model development, integrating the study background, literature review, and expert consultation, and 2) model trials comparing pre- and post-test groups to control group. The sampling technique used was composite clustering sampling with the results of 156 samples: 79 families in the intervention group and 77 families in the control group.
Results: The first stage resulted in the creation of two of the main components of the KEDUSIA-RSM nursing model: the guidebook and its android-based application; There were significant mean differences in cognitive function and dementia risk factor management between those groups before and four months after intervention model (p value < 0.05).
Conclusion: KEDUSIA-RSM is proven to be effective in raising cognitive function and managing risk factors for dementia in the elderly. It is highly recommended to replicate the model, to conduct sustainable training for nurses within the community health field and to develop another study on an iOS-based or web-based app with a similar model.


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Author Biography

Raden Siti Maryam, Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta III

I am a lecturer at Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta III and speciality in gerontological nursing.



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How to Cite
Maryam, R.S. et al. 2023. KEDUSIA-RSM: An Android-Based Nursing Model for Dementia Prevention and Better Cognitive Function in Older Adults. Global Nursing. 22, 4 (Oct. 2023), 191–216. DOI: