Validation of a scale of healthy lifestyles in Mexican university students


Keywords: Students, healthy lifestyles, reliability, validity


Objective: To determine the psychometric properties of the Scale of Healthy Lifestyles for University Students (EEVSEU) for male and female university students in Mexico.
Materials and methods: Validity evidence regarding the structure and measurement invariance of the EEVSEU was evaluated by confirmatory factor analysis. Initially, two models were evaluated: the original model (8 dimensions) and the model obtained in Mexican women (4 dimensions). The magnitude of the factorial loads of each item (≥0.50) and the reliability of the scores and the construct of the models were determined through the alpha and omega coefficients. Finally, the association between healthy lifestyles and psychological well-being and self-regulation of eating habits was analysed.
Results: After the initial analyses, a new model was constructed with 7 dimensions of the EEVSEU (exercise, regular behaviour, nutritional behaviour, health responsibility, social support, stress management and appreciation for life) (M3). It evidenced adequate factorial parameters (adjustment indices and factorial loads), was invariant between men and women and significantly associated with the self-regulation of eating habits and psychological well-being.
Conclusions: The EEVSEU has adequate psychometric properties for its application in studies involving male and female university students in Mexico.


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Author Biographies

Raúl Alberto Zavaleta-Abad, Complejo Regional Nororiental, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla e Instituto de Salud Pública, Universidad Veracruzana




Sergio Dominguez-Lara, South American Center for Education and Research in Public Health, Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener



Eliseo López-Hernández, Facultad de Nutrición, Universidad Veracruzana



Christian Soledad Ortiz-Chacha, Instituto de Salud Pública, Universidad Veracruzana




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How to Cite
Zavaleta-Abad, R.A. et al. 2023. Validation of a scale of healthy lifestyles in Mexican university students. Global Nursing. 22, 3 (Jul. 2023), 428–453. DOI: