Face-to-face classes during COVID-19: implementation of school health protocols


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.554501
Keywords: face-to-face classes, elementary school, health protocol, COVID-19, Return to school


Introduction: The opening of schools increases the likelihood of an increase in COVID-19 cases, and to prepare for this, schools must begin to create various checklists, as indicated in the Joint Decree of Four Ministers on Guidelines for Implementing Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Safe school openings are possible provided sufficient planning and mitigation are implemented, such as through the use of acceptable school opening guidelines.
Objective: The purpose of this study is to examine the compliance of school health protocols during COVID-19 in West Java, Indonesia, as well as the differences between participants.
Methods: A quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted in an elementary school in West Jawa, Indonesia. Using a structured instrument, modified from Panduan Penyelenggaraan Pembelajaran di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 (Guidelines for Implementing Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic) by the researchers, containing school characteristics, availability of sanitation infrastructure, hygiene and health facilities, canteen availability, and Behavior of maintaining health protocols in schools with 27 questions: 11 availability of sanitation, hygiene, and health facilities, canteen availability, and Behavior of maintaining health protocols in schools The study involved 347 individuals from 29 primary schools. SPSS software and the Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test were used to examine the study hypotheses.
Result: The mean score on sub-variable availability of sanitation infrastructure, cleanliness, and health facilities was high (27.49/5.391). The three sub-variables that were tested were different based on the participant's assessment, only the canteen availability sub-variable had no difference in the mean score between the participants, the value of Sig =.255, which is more than 0.05.
Conclusion: The study's findings revealed that the introduction of health protocols in primary schools during face-to-face learning was effective, with a high average total score.



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How to Cite
Sukaesih, N.S. et al. 2023. Face-to-face classes during COVID-19: implementation of school health protocols . Global Nursing. 22, 3 (Jul. 2023), 309–332. DOI:https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.554501.