Knowledge, practices and attitudes of the programmatic management of tuberculosis among Colombian medical students


Keywords: medical education, tuberculosis, knowledge, Colombia, clinical competence, medical students


Background: The tuberculosis is an infectious disease with high disease burden in Colombia, so medical education is expected to be standard in all regions and medical students have competencies in the operative management of tuberculosis. This study evaluated the knowledge, attitudes, and practices in tuberculosis in medical students in Colombia and related factors.
Methods: Questionnaire for the evaluation of knowledge, attitudes, and practices in tuberculosis in medical students in Colombia, who were in clinical semesters and were registered at the 2020 annual meeting of the Asociación de Sociedades Científicas de Estudiantes de Medicina de Colombia (ASCEMCOL) to establish the level of knowledge in tuberculosis.
Result: The study found that students from regions with a higher burden of disease, such as the Eje Cafetero had higher scores that those from other regions. On the other hand, it was observed that the student´s own experience in tuberculosis screening (tuberculin skin test PPD – Mantoux) and the clinical experience in care patients with tuberculosis are related to the knowledge of the programmatic management of tuberculosis.
Conclusions: The study shows a low level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices of programmatic management of tuberculosis in medical students in clinical semester in Colombia.


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How to Cite
Montes Tello, S.A. et al. 2023. Knowledge, practices and attitudes of the programmatic management of tuberculosis among Colombian medical students. Global Nursing. 22, 3 (Jul. 2023), 454–478. DOI: