Quality of life and self-perceived health of patients subjected to radical prostatectomy and the social determinants of health


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.550611
Keywords: quality of life, self-perception of health, social determinants of health, prostatectomy, nursing


Introduction: The self-perception of health and quality of life in men subjected to radical prostatectomy can be influenced by the Social Determinants of Health (SDHs); therefore, exploring this relationship contributes to the development of health care measures.
Objective: To identify associations between the SDHs and quality of life and self-perceived health in men subjected to radical prostatectomy.
Method: A cross-sectional study with quantitative analysis, which had men subjected to radical prostatectomy as participants, interviewed using instruments to characterize the SDHs, Quality of Life (QoL) and self-perceived health. The data were analyzed using descriptive and correlational statistics. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee.
Results: The participants were 33 men with a mean age of 66.8 years old, mostly white-skinned, with a spouse, professing some religion and with complete or incomplete Elementary School. They presented preserved levels of QoL and self-perception of health. Self-perceived health was associated with religion and with owning a house; QoL was associated with religion, type of surgical approach, marital status, having someone in the family with prostate cancer and schooling.
Conclusion: There was an association between the SDHs and QoL and self-perceived health in men subjected to radical prostatectomy.


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How to Cite
Xavier Hernandez, M.C. et al. 2023. Quality of life and self-perceived health of patients subjected to radical prostatectomy and the social determinants of health. Global Nursing. 22, 3 (Jul. 2023), 179–220. DOI:https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.550611.