Evaluation of computed tomography and pulmonary SOFA score: relationship of findings in patients with covid-19 and mortality in ICU


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.541411
Keywords: COVID-19, Tomografía, Puntuaciones en la Disfunción de Órgano, Unidades de cuidados intensivos, Enfermería


Objective: To evaluate the pulmonary severity of COVID-19 patients throug the SOFA score computed with pulmonary involvement in Chest Computed Tomography.
Method: This is a descriptive epidemiological study conducted out in an Intensive Care Unit, which aimed to study the pulmonary treatment of COVID-19 patients through the calculation of the pulmonary SOFA score relating to Chest Tomography and whether these were related to clinical treatment.
Results: The study population consisted of 704 patients, of which 43.7% were women and 56.2% men, with a mean age of 61 years and a mean hospitalization time of 13 days. Most patients had a pulmonary behavior of 75%, a pulmonary SOFA score of 2 and a PaO²/FiO² ratio between 100 and 200.
Conclusion: Patients who had more extensive pulmonary involvement/consequently had a lower PaO²/FiO² ratio and remained longer hospitalized with a higher incidence of death.


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How to Cite
Martinelli, A.L. et al. 2023. Evaluation of computed tomography and pulmonary SOFA score: relationship of findings in patients with covid-19 and mortality in ICU . Global Nursing. 22, 2 (Apr. 2023), 139–161. DOI:https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.541411.