Health profile of newborns admitted to a conventional neonatal intermediate care unit


Keywords: Health profile, Newborn, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Hospital Service of Patient Admission, Hospitalization time


Objective: To characterize the health profile of newborns admitted a Conventional Neonatal Intermediate Care Unit of a reference Maternity in the State of Piauí.
Method: Descriptive, exploratory and analytical study, with quantitative data approach, conducted from July to August 2021 in a Conventional Neonatal Intermediate Care Unit of a reference Maternity in the State of Piauí. It was developed through the evaluation and analysis of the unit's own newborn admission checklist. The data collection was performed using an elaborated and tested form. 1,251 newborns admitted to the unit during the selected period were included, and readmissions, incomplete or inconclusive records, or those outside the time frame were excluded. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: The admissions occurred in a higher percentage in 2020, with a predominance of mothers from the interior of the state, male newborns, preterm, suitable for gestational age, with Apgar score of 8-10, born from cesarean delivery and coming from the delivery room.
Conclusion: From the data obtained through the characterization of newborns, we obtain adequate management, reduced morbidity and mortality, reduced hospitalization time and acquisition of resources needed for the care of the newborn.


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Author Biography

Marcelo Victor Freitas Nascimento

Enfermeiro pela Associação de Ensino Superior do Piauí( AESPI ), Técnico em Segurança do Trabalho pelo Instituto Federal do Piauí-IFPI , pela rede Etec/EAD. Pós-graduando em Urgência e Emergência (UNIPÓS). Atualmente membro do Núcleo de Estudo e pesquisa sobre o cuidar humano e enfermagem ( NEPECHE)-UFPI , Revisor e Consultor de artigos da Mv Consultoria, foi membro voluntário do projeto de extensão: Promoção do parto e nascimento saudável no Centro Obstétrico da Maternidade Dona Evangelina Rosa.


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How to Cite
Fônseca, B.A.V. et al. 2023. Health profile of newborns admitted to a conventional neonatal intermediate care unit. Global Nursing. 22, 2 (Apr. 2023), 404–436. DOI: