Hopelessness in women deprived of liberty and their defense with symptoms of depression and anxiety
Introduction: Hopelessness is characterized as the subject's negative outlook on the future. Individuals in deprivation of liberty are predisposed to suffering and loss of hope.
Objective: To identify the prevalence, level of hopelessness and the correlation with depression and anxiety in women deprived of liberty.
Materials and method: Quantitative and descriptive cross-sectional study, conducted in a Correctional Facility in Brazil, with 77 women by non-probability sampling. The data collection used were: a) Sociodemographic form; b) Beck Depression Inventory (BDI); c) Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI); and d) Beck Hopelessness Inventory (BSH).
Results: In the sample, 5.2% of the subjects presented hopelessness with moderate and severe levels. Higher mean scores of hopelessness were perceived in women who never studied (7.33), had no profession (5.04), no religion (7.14), and did not develop labor activities during incarceration (4.86). Higher mean scores of hopelessness were identified in women who had symptoms of depression (5.31) and anxiety (4.63). There was a positive correlation between the BHS and BDI scores.
Conclusion: There was a low prevalence of hopelessness. It was associated with unfavorable socioeconomic conditions and the lack of work activities during the period of incarceration. Hopelessness correlated with depression, and people with anxiety symptoms had higher levels of hopelessness. It is suggested that hopelessness among people deprived of liberty be investigated in clinical practice and that work and educational activities be promoted during incarceration to promote hope and mental health.
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