Mobile application about syphilis for adolescents: appearance and content validation


Keywords: Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Disease Prevention, Syphilis, Information Technology, Adolescent


Objective: To validate the appearance and content of an application for the prevention and control of syphilis in adolescents.
Method: A methodological study was carried out from January to June 2020. Twenty-two judges with experience in syphilis control participated, with an emphasis on adolescent health promotion, educational technologies, and instrument validation. An instrument with variables related to content, structure, functionality, and relevance was used. The Content Validity Index, Cronbach's Alpha Test, and Flesch's Readability Index were used.
Results: In the three dimensions, the average Content Validity Index was greater than 0.80, which validates the contents of the application. The overall Content Validity Index of the application was 0.86, which is satisfactory and makes it possible to consider the application valid in terms of content and appearance. Concerning the total Cronbach's Alpha of the application, a value of 0.94 was obtained, demonstrating excellent homogeneity between the participants' responses. The readability test revealed that the technology is easy for the user to understand.
Conclusion: The mobile application proved valid in terms of content and appearance, demonstrating that this is a reliable technological tool that adolescents can use as a health education strategy for syphilis prevention and control.


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How to Cite
Maciel, N.S. et al. 2023. Mobile application about syphilis for adolescents: appearance and content validation. Global Nursing. 22, 1 (Jan. 2023), 499–534. DOI: