Calls for hiring nurses in times of coronavirus
Objective: To identify the profile of vacancies for nurses disseminated through social media during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Method: Quantitative, descriptive and exploratory document-based study based on facebook, instagram and twitter publications through the use of hashtags: facebook (#vacancies #nursing and #employment #nurse), instagram (#vacanciesnurse y and #vacancies) and on twitter (#vacancies and #nurse), from March 01 to 22, 2021. Initially, 6,173 publications were found, of which 117 were selected after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria and analysis.
Results: The predominant information in the publications was arranged in five categories, which were named with a hashtag: #nursespecialists, #minimumrequirements, #employment bond, #remuneration and #businessday. The Southeast was the region that most required specialists, followed by the Northeast and the South. Regarding the minimum requirements, 81.60% of the publications had requirements, among which professional experience and having a postgraduate degree were the most present. The most evident employment relationship was the effective contract. The salary range was between 4.1 and 5 minimum wages. And the weekly workload had the highest percentage in 24 hours and equal to or greater than 40 hours.
Conclusion: Knowing the scenario of hiring nurses in times of coronavirus shows an already announced trend, which is the shortage of qualified professionals to work in the labor market, in addition to the devaluing conditions that affect nursing work.
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